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The Layouts Pro 2SXC App for DNN

The Layouts Pro 2SXC App for DNN

The Layouts Pro 2SXC App for DNN is a highly configurable app which is used purely for content layouts.

The Layouts Pro App allows you to add basic content to a webpage, and style it without ever leaving the app. 

The default way of addinig, configuring and styling a DNN container means you have to leave the container in order to style it. 

The Layouts Pro App contains settings, which may at first glance appear opinionated, however can be customised to suit your websites requirements.

The image on the left shows a screenshot we took while creating this piece of content. You have the title, the image and the content section.

The settings make the Layouts Pro App quite unique!

The settings make the Layouts Pro App quite unique!

The layouts Pro App has some settings built into it that lets you choose some basic but powerful options.

Depending on your selected view, you will be presented with a different range of settings.

The view in the image shows the settings for the Image | Column view

You have the following:

  • Heading Type (H1 to H4)
  • Column Size (Choose the column size for the image, the rest is taken by the text)
  • Top Margin (This is how much space is set above the heading, to give room between Apps)
  • Image Position (Moves the column to the right, left is default) 
  • Style (Choose youe container style)

Beautiful content, effortlessly created

Beautiful content, effortlessly created

Empower your website admin to create beautiful content without worrying about images, layouts or creating seperate containers for images and text. 

Every time you load up a fresh instance of the app, it displays a demo. Your admin will see how their content will look before typing a single word.

The apps are configured to ensure that images are placed directly under the heading on a mobile. A perfectly configured app, all you have to do is add content!